Top users Of all time


Gort stupsi
With 17084 hours online time


With 13589 hours online time


Jude Shekelstein
With 9836 hours online time
With 9470 hours online time
With 9022 hours online time
Lara ツ
With 8689 hours online time

With 8534 hours online time

With 7904 hours online time

With 7896 hours online time

With 7058 hours online time

Top 10 compared

#1 Gort stupsi (Status: Offline)

17084 Hours (Defines 100 %)

#2 (◡‿◡✿) (Status: Offline)

13589 hours (80%)

#3 Jude Shekelstein (Status: Online)

9836 hours (58%)

#4 David (Status: Offline)

9470 hours (55%)

#5 Epexx (Status: Offline)

9022 hours (53%)

#6 Lara ツ (Status: Offline)

8689 hours (51%)

#7 Darach (Status: Offline)

8534 hours (50%)

#8 MSPotato (Status: Offline)

7904 hours (46%)

#9 Ryu (Status: Offline)

7896 hours (46%)

#10 Lee (Status: Offline)

7058 hours (41%)

Top 10 Statistics

Top 10 vs others in online time

Top 10 vs others in active time

Top 10 vs others in inactive time